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Bandelier Elementary School

1st Grade Class at Bandelier - 1948/1949
We need your help to ID as many of these as we can.


Back Row  
Row 4  
Row 3

Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Judith Jenkins, Larry Trussell (Striped shirt), Gene Little

Row 2

Unknown, Unknown, Mary Ann Krebs,  Unknown, Sharon Otto (?), John Pappas, Nancy Nissen, Hedy Berger, Unknown, Paul Kleinsmith, Unknown

Front Row

Donna Lee Fuschino, Unknown, Unknown, Billy Redak, Unknown, Gordon Bonham,  Unknown, Unknown,
Louis Lagrave


Notice the young boy with the "pouch of marbles" on his belt, front row, far right. 
This is Lou Lagrave.   Quote from Lou: "I was a marble winning machine!"


6th Grade Class at Bandelier - 1953/1954
We need your help to ID as many of these as we can.



Back Row

Mr. McGuire - unknown - unknown - unknown - unknown - unknown - Pat (?) - Lynn Kloepfer - Sharon Otto - Dennis Miller - unknown . 

Maybe Dennis Williams, next to last on R side?

Middle Row
Dennis Williams -Beverly Bisbee - unknown - unknown - unknown - Linda Carter - Johnny Pappas - Leon King
Freddy Fricke (I think)
Front Row

Bob White - unknown - unknown - unknown - unknown - Dick Reinhart - unknown - Gordon Bonham, Larry Trussell

  Gordon Bonham writes: I really like both of those teachers.
The sixth grade photo brings back memories of shooting flies with rubber bands in the barrack classroom.

Photo courtesy of John Pappas.  And thanks to those who helped name as many as possible.
If you can identify any of the Unknowns, please contact us.

Photos courtesy of John Pappas.  And thanks to those who helped name as many as possible.  If you can identify any of the Unknowns, please let someone know.

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December, 2011